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How Many Blades Do You Have?

As someone that has been DE shaving a while (but new to this site) I have managed to collect quite a store of blades. Buying in bulk is cost effective. However, I didn't realize the extent to which I have collected razor blades. Currently, I have over 600 razor blades including a large stores of Feathers, Derby's, Astra's and IPs. More than I will use in 5 to 7 years.

Anyone one else have a large store of blades as well?
I have approximtely 250 Iridiums, 300 7 O'Clock yellows, and a bunch of others I haven't tried yet, but I've actually given away or PIFed more than I think I've even used, lol...
I went a little nuts on the Gillette Bleues when I heard a rumor that the plant was retooling its manufacturing and the new blades (to be packaged differently) weren't as good as the "naked 10 pack" versions. So I've got a stock of around 400 of 'em and am thinking of selling some of them.

Also have a stock of 100 Super Irridiums.

Jeff in Boston
Only 600??? I have 500 crystals, 50 feathers, probably 100 of miscellaneous,100 Gems, 10 injector packs
I know I have about 200 Feathers, 50 (or is it 100) Bluebirds, and a load of other assorted blades that I will likely never ever use.

Bulk is good.
I have 300 IP Reds, 100 Crystals, about 185 Derby's, 50 Wilkenson Sword, about 25 from a sampler pack, and 110 Gem Persona Single Edge.

If I average 4 shaves per blade and shave 4 times a week, I have enough blades to last me for almost 15 years.

250 Iridiums
150 Feather
100 Derby
50 Astra
200 others (Sharks, Bluebirds, Lords, Big Ben, Gillette etc etc)

so about 750 in all, give or take a few blades.
Although I'm too lazy to look for it, I'm pretty sure there was a poll in this forum not all that long ago.

I have over 1000 DE Blades, over 100 SE, and over 100 injector blades. Also some Trac II and Atra cartridges. Oh, I'm prepared.
100 Astras and 100 Feathers plus assorted samples I've aquired. I pretty much only use Astra and Feather blades as they work well for me.

I'll just say that I am 53 years old and if I never buy another blade in my life I will still have some stock left on my 100th birthday.
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