How do all of u guys find this wide variety of creams. I have never heard of most of these creams and soaps until I came hear. Plus I see very few at stores. Do u guys look them up or wat cuz I was just curious. And just to make this a liitle fun... Wats the worst cream u have ever used
With time and dedication you find many wet shaving items, not only creams... And as you personally test them, you understand by yourself if you like them and if they work well for you.
Regarding me, there is no shaving cream I really didn't like. Anyhow I am essentially a soap user nowadays.
Marco is really the Don of the Italian Shaving Cartel and is responsible for the large rise in the use of Italian shaving products throughout B&B.
Well, I'm not sure if this is true... But Guglielmo Valobra himself sent me an open "Thank you" e-mail.
I love your posts, Marco.With time and dedication you find many wet shaving items, not only creams... And as you personally test them, you understand by yourself if you like them and if they work well for you.
Regarding me, there is no shaving cream I really didn't like. Anyhow I am essentially a soap user nowadays.
I love your posts, Marco.
There are lots of creams in so many vendors and here too also this is for our goods I think.
Signor Marco, please which creams do you prefer to recommend me? Acca Kappa or Cella Red. (I know you suggest both of them)
I may purchase other Italian creams due to the great reviews and comments by Marco.
He's a wonderful asset to the B&B for many Italian shave products reviews.
Got some Italian made creams like Omega from a tobacconist shop which also sells shaving items.