I paid $30. Does any one know what it says on the bottom line?
Yeah I am not really a goods photographer I ll try and get some better ones. But it look like W G Vuuuuuuuuu. The u's are all just scribbles I can't make out.i cant read it because of the glare.
using a light instead of a flash might help with the glare
looks something like "? G V?n?me" "WG Viname"? "WG Vincime"? I'm pretty sure the third and second to last letters are n and m in a very 'italicized' handwriting. Whatever it may be, it's probably just the name of the owner and likely won't help identifying the company name missing on the tang
Just make sure you tape the spine. Usually the metal there is softer than the blade and would wear faster. Only time I think even Slash would tape.Well now I just have to wait until my lapping films get here and pray I dont ruin this razor.
Just make sure you tape the spine. Usually the metal there is softer than the blade and would wear faster. Only time I think even Slash would tape.
I paid $30. Does any one know what it says on the bottom line?