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No tattoo mistakes!
One of the tasks I have is to "tidy up and refresh the sticky threads." I will go through them myself, but would appreciate thoughts/suggestions anyone else might offer. So if you have any, please share them. Let's use this thread.

One question I have is what happened to the The Ultimate Brush Chronicles (meaning "ultimate chronicles" not "ultimate brush")? They appear to me to have petered out rather than have been brought to a planned conclusion. I'll also ask the mods. In any case, should they be resurrected?

What else?


System Generated
a) I for one would love to see the Brush Chronicles come back.

b) Get rid of the "what brush did you use"...there is no point, it can go in SOTD and cataloged weekly.

c) Brush Collection threads, opposed to "Look at my New brush" threads...sorry guys I'm not a fan of those threads, but maybe that's just me.

d) Brush giveways from your collection for the 1st post in each of your threads :biggrin1:


No tattoo mistakes!
Pardon me Chief but what is a sticky thread, one that doesn't get bumped much but keeps reappearing?

Good question. If you open the brushes Forum, you'll see the first 5 "rows" are shaded blue and designated as Sticky something. I'd guess I/we should to focus on the last two, i.e., The Ultimate Brush Chronicles and The All Important List of Shaving Brushes "Stickies".

Thanks for asking.
Something that isn't a sticky, bit mighty be useful for newbies, would be a guide to differenit types of brushes. There are pretty regular questions on here about the difference between two band and three band, badger and boar, best and silvertip, etc. If someone or some people were interested in writing a guide to brushes it woukd be a pretty useful resource to diet newbies to, IMO.
The Brush Chronicles have taken a little break. One of the goals was to get a good representation of the major brush brands, and we've done that. If anyone is itching to Chronicle a brush, please drop Ken, David or me a note, and we can get you set up to run with it.


No tattoo mistakes!
Something that isn't a sticky, bit mighty be useful for newbies, would be a guide to differenit types of brushes. There are pretty regular questions on here about the difference between two band and three band, badger and boar, best and silvertip, etc. If someone or some people were interested in writing a guide to brushes it woukd be a pretty useful resource to diet newbies to, IMO.

You'll find some information if you drill down here. That's where I started when I was trying to figure out what to buy as my first brush (turned out to be an Omega 10098). I haven't poked around in the stickies much since then except when I landed on Scritchnscrub's thread as a result of a Google search. I need to go through them carefully now, but based on a quick scan just now, I can see there are some holes.

I'll try to take a closer look over the next few days and identify the stale areas and gaps. Then maybe we can have some discussion about what needs to get done and how best to do it.

Thanks for your post.
You'll find some information if you drill down here. That's where I started when I was trying to figure out what to buy as my first brush (turned out to be an Omega 10098). I haven't poked around in the stickies much since then except when I landed on Scritchnscrub's thread as a result of a Google search. I need to go through them carefully now, but based on a quick scan just now, I can see there are some holes.

I'll try to take a closer look over the next few days and identify the stale areas and gaps. Then maybe we can have some discussion about what needs to get done and how best to do it.

Thanks for your post.

Cool. There's definately a lot of good info there, and somehow I completely missed it!
Although I'm not opposed to brush porn I was wondering if we could have a designated thread for it. Similar to the acquisition thread in the marketplace forum we could set up a special 'mail man brought me this' and create a thread for each month. We can keep the threads stickied until the new month thread goes up. I like when guys post single threads about what brush they got but if we for the most part already do that or the M&F brushes why not for all. Cuts down on the number of new threads created. Just a thought. Congrats on the badge my friend.
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