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Honing journal 2 free to discuss

I went to the mail today and I got a package from Frank shaves on here wonderful wonderful man and he had sent me so I'm holding two stones and I put them to use today I am learning that the bevel have to pop hair or shave shave even very well because the next step up seem to make it much much sharper than the previous step thought?
I’m no expert, I’ve only been at it about three years and I only hone my own 7 razors as and when needed, so I’m interested to see how your journey develops.
Which stones did you buy?
I myself started on films then progressed to natural stones.
My current progression is a 1k 6k combination stone then straight to one of my finishers.
Learning to keep your razors sharp is an excellent and much forgotten skill and for me provides a lovely medatitive hour with stones, steel, water and a glass of scotch.
Honing being so satisfying is the primary reason I have too many SRs and a backed up restoration queue. Plus it allows me to quietly smirk when some knife sharpener says his edge is "razor sharp".

If I had time I would probably start "investing" in more natural finishers and really learn that as well.

Enjoy your honing! Looking forward to you sharing your experience.
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