I tried honing my razor yesterday. I spent about 100-125 strokes on my 800 stone to set the bevel, and then spent some significant time on my 4000 stone. I can get it sharp, but it seems like it is most sharp at he ends and not quite as sharp in the middle. I am frustrated that while it takes hair off my arm when I shave it just doesn't cut like I would like. I really have to go over the area a number of times to cut the hair and on the thickest areas like my chin it wont take it all the way down. Now, I'm very new to straight razor, and I've never used a professionally honed razor, but when comparing it to my safety razor that I run astra's on which with minimal pressure I could easily be satisfied with my shave after one pass, and with which I don't even feel the hairs being cut. Unfortunately right now I only have the 800/4000 stone. Do you think I just need a higher grit stone, like a 6000 or 8000? I forgot to mention that I also finish by stropping on a newspaper for a while on top of my stone. I also don't yet have my leather strop which I will be getting this week. Any thoughts would be helpful, thanks!