I was fortunate enough to secure 3 cakes of the honeybee soap from a fellow str8 shaver. Two had yet to be used and are in their orignial packaging... Oak Moss, and Mountain Mist. The third one he had used once or twice, and was in a non labeled zip loc bag. The seller has headed off to the Navy, so I'm guessing he won't be able to reply to my question. So, any guesses as to what the soap could be? It's brown in color, and has a sweet, cinammon-cardammon type smell... almost smells like potpourri.
This did come as a 3-pack, so I don't know if Sue has a standard 3-pack that includes oak moss, Mountain Mist, and ????
The first person to properly ID this soap gets a virtual firm hardy hand-shake
This did come as a 3-pack, so I don't know if Sue has a standard 3-pack that includes oak moss, Mountain Mist, and ????
The first person to properly ID this soap gets a virtual firm hardy hand-shake
