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Homemade Alt-Innsbruck

Alt-Innsbruck famously only has four ingredients: Virginia Tobacco Oil, Menthol, Alcohol, & Water. As a result, I can't stop thinking I might be able to recreate this amazing aftershave at home.

I've never tried anything like this, so I'm curious if anyone has any ideas on the general feasibility of this endeavor, or possibly even some suggestions on appropriate ratios for the ingredients.

I also wondered what type of alcohol they most likely use.

Thanks in advance for any assistance!
Almost certainly the alcohol is SD something or other. The "SD" means it's denatured ethanol. Basically grain alcohol with something distasteful added to discourage folks from drinking it. Aftershaves typically run around 2% essential oils.

If I were going to try a simple test, I'd buy a small bottle of Everclear(190 proof, 95% alcohol) and add menthol crystals slowly, allowing them to dissolve. I'd sample the alcohol/menthol mixture at intervals to see if it had the right amount of cooling. When it felt right, I'd add 2% of the oil. And, finally, if the alcohol burn seemed too strong, I'd dilute with water.
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