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HELP with paint

After boiling a black handled SS I bought from the bay it seemed like a good idea to give it a marvecide bath. WRONG! I forgot about it, and after a day long bath it appears the black is coming off. Anyone know a good paint that will match and be durable for a black handled Superspeed?
After boiling a black handled SS I bought from the bay it seemed like a good idea to give it a marvecide bath. WRONG! I forgot about it, and after a day long bath it appears the black is coming off. Anyone know a good paint that will match and be durable for a black handled Superspeed?

Check out Brownell's. They are an online gunsmith supply and have a variety of "spray and bake" finishes for firearms that go on in a very thin layer yet are extremely durable to solvents and mechanical wear. A bit pricey, but they do work well and i have toyed with the idea of using them on a razor.
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