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Help from fellow Rooney owners / experts

Hello all -

I'm interested in purchasing a Rooney Stubby 1 model. I'm having a tough time understanding the size / model / knot grade of the Stubby line.

I came across a few online retailers that still have have some Stubbys available.

How many different Stubby models are available nowadays?

So far, I've seen the following three different types of the Stubby 1 line (or Stubby 1 XL):

Vintage Blades:
Rooney Heritage "Stubby" Size 1 (Small) - 22mm x 44mm , 2 band 100% super silvertip

Vintage Blades:
Rooney Heritage "Stubby" 1XL (small) - 25mm x 46mm - 2 band 100% super silvertip

Rooney Heritage Collection "Stubby" 1 Super Badger - 26mm x 44mm - super badger

Any help with be appreciated. Also, can someone recommend an online vendor, except for the two listed above, that sell Rooneys?

Thank you,

Over the years, Stubby brushes have been made with 3 handle styles - single ring, double ring and triple ring.

Single ring Stubbies were the original and came in 3-band hair, then re-released with 2-band hair. These came in 3 sizes - 1/2/3.

Double ring Stubbies, aka the XL series, were chubbier than the original and came in 2-band hair. These also came in 3 sizes - 1XL/2XL/3XL.

Triple ring Stubbies are the current release. These are chubby like the XL series but have 3-band hair like the originals. These also come in three sizes - 1/2/3. These are the only Stubbies that are in stock currently.

Update: there were also some chubby handles with a single ring produced in the mid-late 2000s, but I'm not sure these were ever widely sold.
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