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Help a soldier out!

I'm sure there are literally hundreds of threads on here about the "best" after shave splash/balm, and i've read quite a few. Here's my situation. I've got pretty sensitive skin. I've been using Wilkinson Sword Blades (which are not working out for me). They're just not sharp enough; i'm still getting quite a bit of tugging. I've ordered a sampler from West coast. But here's the deal. I'm in the army, so if i get a particularly rough shave i don't have the option of letting my skin rest a few days (unless its the weekend). My technique is definitly improving but i doubt i'll ever walk away from the sink without any burn; my skin is sensitive and my beard is course. A bad combination. So even if i get burned one day, i still have to shave the next day. I just don't have an option. So here's my question (i bet you were wondering if there was a question here ;)), What balm/lotion/cream/splash/combo/self-made-concoction has worked best in healing your face when you irritate it? I don't care about scent or brand or anything like that. I just want it to heal my face so that its ready to be shaved again the next day.

FYI here's my routine:

-Hot shower: Neutrogena face scrub, Avalon conditioner
-Hot towel, 2 min
-Lather: either Speick cream or Tabac soap or sometimes both (those are my only two softwares)
-Hot towel over lather, 2 min
Shave: WTG, XTG. Light pressure. I've started using a one-blade disposable bic while i'm waiting for my DE blades to arrive. These cheap bics seem to be much sharper and less irritating than the Wilko de blades i can buy at the market. I know it probably goes against wet shaving laws but it just seems to be better. Much less irritation and burn.
-Styptic if needed
-Warm Splash
-Cold Splash
-Witch Hazel
-Nivea Sensitive balm and a pea-sized dab of Hydrocortosone cream 1% rubbed together (this works pretty well).
-I usually splash on a bit of Aqua Velva because it cools, feels nice, and its a calming scent at the end of the day (i have to shave at night)

Sorry for the long post, but what do you think? Whats the best, no-nonsense, healer out there?




OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I like the white (no alcohol) Proraso. Not very expensive. Give that a go.
Get some better blades - that's what's causing your problem. Try Astras at $8 for 100 from bestshave its a steal.

Trumpers skin food after you shave.
You might give cold water shaving a try. The hot water and towels cause blood to rush to the surface of the skin and cause it to swell slightly. Cold water closes the pores and causes the hair to stand out straight from the skin. I personally use a combination of hot lather and cold water prep and rinse.

Also, be sure to check in here http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/42404-Active-Military-members-check-in to get your Active Duty tag.

Where in Bavaria are you? I was in Neu-Ulm um, several, years ago.
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Bump Fighter works for me when I get some irritation.

Also, looking at your prep, you might want to consider dropping the face scrub in the shower from your routine. I used to do the same thing and once I quit scrubbing my face in the shower my shaves improved markedly. From what I've read, scrubbing all of the natural oils from the skin can result in irritation after the shave, especially for those of us with sensitive skin.

I didn't mean to hijack the thread, but I thought that might be helpful.
You might give cold water shaving a try. The hot water and towels cause blood to rush to the surface of the skin and cause it to swell slightly. Cold water closes the pores and causes the hair to stand out straight from the skin. I personally use a combination of hot lather and cold water prep and rinse.

Also, be sure to check in here http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/42404-Active-Military-members-check-in to get your Active Duty tag.

Where in Bavaria are you? I was in Neu-Ulm um, several, years ago.

We're in Vilseck which is about an hour east of Nuremburg. Such a lovely place. I checked in a while ago, but i guess you don't get a tag until you've posted 15 times? I hope i did it right. I'll give the cold water a try. Sounds uncomfortable (sort of like field shaving?), but if it helps it'll be worth it. Thanks!
Speick is a great face-saving aftershave. Being in Germany, you can probably find it in the drugstore--you've alread discovered their excellent cream.
I think you are over processing your face. Keep it simple. Good technique and a hot water and soap wash while in the shower, shave and a splash of alcohol based aftershave should set you up on the road to healthy skin. The blades need an upgrade for sure but this is the key part- you cannot buy a good shave with products- its the hand holding the razor that gives you a good and comfortable shave. Reread the newbie tutorials. Keep us posted on your progress.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Yes, Speick aftershave helps, but I agree with others that perhaps you need to work on technique and prep.

And welcome to B&B, Steve!
I rather doubt my skin is all that sensitive but personally, any time I tried anything like a scrub or anything "exfoliating" before a shave only left me with more irritation than I got from shaving, and I hadn't even shaved yet! I don't know if Alum could irritate the skin, I use witch hazel myself rather than alum, but I use it after warm water to rinse off lather and before a cold water rinse. Maybe the Alum staying on your skin could be a part of the problem, I'm new to wet shaving but it sounds like it might be worth trying. Also I've found that a light dusting of talc on top of my aftershave feels great after a bad shave, I think I read once that barbers use it on the back of your neck after a trim to help prevent any possible irritation. Hope you can get your shave worked out. I know I used to get irritated as hell shaving every day, but now I've found a routine that works well for me I sometimes find myself looking forward to shaving a second time in one day.
You need to stop using hydrocortisone on your face. I know it's counter intuitive, but it can exasterbate sensitive skin problems when use consistently.
Bump Fighter works for me when I get some irritation.

Also, looking at your prep, you might want to consider dropping the face scrub in the shower from your routine. I used to do the same thing and once I quit scrubbing my face in the shower my shaves improved markedly. From what I've read, scrubbing all of the natural oils from the skin can result in irritation after the shave, especially for those of us with sensitive skin.

I didn't mean to hijack the thread, but I thought that might be helpful.

This is very true too, there is no need for an exfoliating scrub when you have a shave brush to gently do it for you.
STOP THE HYDROCORTISONE CREAM!!!!!! A topical steroid face cream should be used 5-7 days only, then stop. People get this, and see the rash clear up. And use it longer. On the face, the steroid cream will decrease your color, your melana will lighten. Stop the cream!
Dermatologist use this for 5-7 days ONLY. on the face.

You are doing way too much for a soldier! Your routine is immense. Make it easy for youself. Elimante this and that. The bic has to go. You have pre shave routine, post shave routine and after shave. Too complicated.
Let me suggest my routine . I am retired Army 25 years.

Take hot shower. No pre shave. Then try Gilette 3 mach 3 turbo. A little more than the bics, but a smoother, and non irritating shave.
You do not need a pre shave wash.
Use what cream you like for shaving.
I recommend after shaving, use Thayers aloe rose with hazel. Which is like a lotion.
I use kiehls body lotion for face also.

You do not need the face scrub.Your routine is time consuming, For a shower soap do not recommend a harsh deoderant soap.
There are non irritating soaps out there.
Again, your shave is very tiring, a good blade, a non irrationg post shave ( Thayers) is like a lotion. And good simple body/face lotion(I uuse Kiehls), many out there.

Good luck

Didn't want to say it as I'm a noob myself. But I think keeping things simple is better. I know people like to add on more and more layers, but some combination of what your doing is adversely affecting your skin. Start from scratch and build up gradually. At the least, dump the everyday scrub and hydrocortisone cream. If you like the scrub, do it once or twice a week. I found that I got much less irritation if i showered after my shave.
STOP THE HYDROCORTISONE CREAM!!!!!! A topical steroid face cream should be used 5-7 days only, then stop. People get this, and see the rash clear up. And use it longer. On the face, the steroid cream will decrease your color, your melana will lighten. Stop the cream!
Dermatologist use this for 5-7 days ONLY. on the face.

You are doing way too much for a soldier! Your routine is immense. Make it easy for youself. Elimante this and that. The bic has to go. You have pre shave routine, post shave routine and after shave. Too complicated.
Let me suggest my routine . I am retired Army 25 years.

Take hot shower. No pre shave. Then try Gilette 3 mach 3 turbo. A little more than the bics, but a smoother, and non irritating shave.
You do not need a pre shave wash.
Use what cream you like for shaving.
I recommend after shaving, use Thayers aloe rose with hazel. Which is like a lotion.
I use kiehls body lotion for face also.

You do not need the face scrub.Your routine is time consuming, For a shower soap do not recommend a harsh deoderant soap.
There are non irritating soaps out there.
Again, your shave is very tiring, a good blade, a non irrationg post shave ( Thayers) is like a lotion. And good simple body/face lotion(I uuse Kiehls), many out there.

Good luck


Hey jimmy,

Relax, i never intended to use the hydro cream indefinitly. I bought some aloe and plan to use it if and when i get burned. My shave routine is very relaxing. I actually don't mind taking my time at night, it's sort of a ritual for me. The PRE shave has really helped with irritation. Before I only took a hot shower. Doing a little extra has been good for me. I've used the Gillette fusion (or other similar carts) for about 10 years now. They really aren't better than a single blade bic, unfortunately. I'm waiting to get some better blades for my DE razor so until then I'm going to stick to the blade that does the best job. Btw, my last shave was virtually irritation free. I think my technique is improving and getting away from the dull wilkos. Thanks for your tips!
If it's working, then stick with it.
I chimed in because I had irritation issues early on with excessive face scrubbing in the shower prior to shaving, and it seemed maybe you were experiencing the same thing.

Hey jimmy,

Relax, i never intended to use the hydro cream indefinitly. I bought some aloe and plan to use it if and when i get burned. My shave routine is very relaxing. I actually don't mind taking my time at night, it's sort of a ritual for me. The PRE shave has really helped with irritation. Before I only took a hot shower. Doing a little extra has been good for me. I've used the Gillette fusion (or other similar carts) for about 10 years now. They really aren't better than a single blade bic, unfortunately. I'm waiting to get some better blades for my DE razor so until then I'm going to stick to the blade that does the best job. Btw, my last shave was virtually irritation free. I think my technique is improving and getting away from the dull wilkos. Thanks for your tips!
Thanks for the help, Lucas. Anyone who's got the great Nature Boy as an avatar is worth listening to in my book. Wooo!!
You're welcome Royse. I've gotten a lot of questions about the Nature Boy as an avatar. Apparently, not many people here know who he is.
He's still the man though. Wooo!!
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