Let me first start by saying that Im a straight razor shaver and have been for a little while now. I have never used a safety razor.
I straight shave in the morning, but since Im about to start the HFD academy I need a fast shave about mid day. Dont get me wrong any one of my straights will keep me smooth all day, I just need something for touch-ups and I figure safetys are the fast way to go. What do yall recommend? I was looking at a '56 Gillette Red Tip Super Speed Heavy, but Im not sure.
Thank you.
I straight shave in the morning, but since Im about to start the HFD academy I need a fast shave about mid day. Dont get me wrong any one of my straights will keep me smooth all day, I just need something for touch-ups and I figure safetys are the fast way to go. What do yall recommend? I was looking at a '56 Gillette Red Tip Super Speed Heavy, but Im not sure.
Thank you.