I've been lurking in B & B for a couple of days and thought it was time to join in the fun.
This is a great sight - thanks to everyone who makes it go.
I have a few newbie questions for you experienced shavmeisters. If a thread exists, please point me in the right direction.
Thanks for the feedback
This is a great sight - thanks to everyone who makes it go.
I have a few newbie questions for you experienced shavmeisters. If a thread exists, please point me in the right direction.
- Can you recommend a set up for a beginner? I can spend around $60 -$65
- Since Im just getting started, should I purchase a better razor or better brush, if I have to choose?
- I see that Merker HDs are popular, so are Gillette adjustables (especially the Fat Boy) is one better than the other to start with?
- Shaving soap vs. shaving cream - is one better?
Thanks for the feedback