Hello everyone! I have been lurking here for a short while, and thought it time to say hello and ask a few "newbie" questions...
I am an avid fountain pen collector and restorer, but am new to the world of razors and classic shaving methods. This site has been a wonderful resource to gain some introductory knowledge before taking the plunge.
So, my straight razor shaving journey began about a week ago, with a couple of initial purchases, and some mistakes to go along with them. My first shave was with a straight sporting a disposable blade. This turned out to be, well, not so good for me or my face. (I think some lessons just have to be learned the hard way.) I wised up a bit and got a sight unseen from Whipped Dog. This "real" razor worked out much better, and by the end of the week I was getting shaves that I consider to be quite good with minimal blood loss. My enjoyment was also significantly better with this new razor. I am using a bay rum and witch hazel pre/post shave that seems to be doing well for me.
So, that's the story so far, now on to the questions...
I have also purchased a Wade and Butcher Special that is in excellent condition. I sterilized and cleaned it, ran it over my strop, and it seems to be ready to shave with just like that. Is it likely that I don't need to have this honed? (Honing is an area I am not ready to tackle just yet.)
My stropping technique continues to improve, but in a fit of overconfidence and speed, I stropped with the razor facing the wrong way, slicing the leather. (I'm somewhat embarrassed to say that a pint of home brew was a major contributor to this incident.) Is it safe to continue using this same leather, or will it hurt my blades?
Finally, I have a Dovo on order which should arrive today. Will this need honing before use, or should I expect to just strop and go?
See you around!
- Rod
I am an avid fountain pen collector and restorer, but am new to the world of razors and classic shaving methods. This site has been a wonderful resource to gain some introductory knowledge before taking the plunge.
So, my straight razor shaving journey began about a week ago, with a couple of initial purchases, and some mistakes to go along with them. My first shave was with a straight sporting a disposable blade. This turned out to be, well, not so good for me or my face. (I think some lessons just have to be learned the hard way.) I wised up a bit and got a sight unseen from Whipped Dog. This "real" razor worked out much better, and by the end of the week I was getting shaves that I consider to be quite good with minimal blood loss. My enjoyment was also significantly better with this new razor. I am using a bay rum and witch hazel pre/post shave that seems to be doing well for me.
So, that's the story so far, now on to the questions...
I have also purchased a Wade and Butcher Special that is in excellent condition. I sterilized and cleaned it, ran it over my strop, and it seems to be ready to shave with just like that. Is it likely that I don't need to have this honed? (Honing is an area I am not ready to tackle just yet.)
My stropping technique continues to improve, but in a fit of overconfidence and speed, I stropped with the razor facing the wrong way, slicing the leather. (I'm somewhat embarrassed to say that a pint of home brew was a major contributor to this incident.) Is it safe to continue using this same leather, or will it hurt my blades?
Finally, I have a Dovo on order which should arrive today. Will this need honing before use, or should I expect to just strop and go?
See you around!
- Rod