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Heirloom Razor

Following my desire to buy a Gillette Slim from the 60's, my wife wants to buy me a new heirloom razor that would make more sense as to why it would end up being an heirloom to future generations and one that would fulfill my needs for years to come. I'm 24, soon to be 25, so it isn't like there is any Year of Birth significance from the Slim.

That being said - I'm looking for suggestions. My current favourite is the 'Above The Tie - Atlas 5 piece' after I saw reviews saying they put the Weber and iKon to shame in terms of quality of finish.

I currently use a Edwin Jagger DE89BL and am looking for something a bit more aggressive.

I'd appreciate any feedback you guys could give me.

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Following my desire to buy a Gillette Slim from the 60's, my wife wants to buy me a new heirloom razor that would make more sense as to why it would end up being an heirloom to future generations and one that would fulfill my needs for years to come. I'm 24, soon to be 25, so it isn't like there is any Year of Birth significance from the Slim.

That being said - I'm looking for suggestions. My current favourite is the 'Above The Tie - Atlas 5 piece' after I saw reviews saying they put the Weber and iKon to shame in terms of quality of finish.

I currently use a Edwin Jagger DE89BL and am looking for something a bit more aggressive.

I'd appreciate any feedback you guys could give me.

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a Joris is aggressive yet tame.
I'm in the same boat and leaning towards the Titan 5 piece because of the longer handle or the Tradere sold bar...I'm interested to see what you end up with. I also currently use a DE89B and Merkur 23c and looking for something a little more aggressive too, that's why I'm not considering the Weber.
If she bought you a 100 year old gillette single or double ring, in a couple of generations they would call it an ancient family heirloom :drool:
That's her point, though hutchster - she came up with the (valid) point that it'd be cooler if it was future persons granddad's razor or whatever rather than this was my granddad's razor he bought from some random dude when he was 24.
I just went the same situation. With two nephews and one cousin. I have lots of razors that were handed down to me. I like you want to pass one of "MY" razors down i would guess that who ever is using it could think of me. While the atlas is new to me it does look like a nice one. It's your face, your razor pick.
Btw I envy you a bit being 25 and pretty much able to
buy what you want razor wise. If I only joined the razor crowd when I was 25. But I had more "important" things back then to de shave ( what the heck was I thinking). What kind of razor did I get to pass along?
A feather as-d1 for my cuz. Don't know what I'll get
to pass along to my nephews.
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