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Haven't shaved for three days...



Feeling crap at the moment as I haven't been able to shave for three days. Look away now if you are of a nervous disposition. :eek: I started getting spots around my mouth and chin a few days ago. Thought I was getting run down through lack of sleep (the babe's been waking up a bit in the night recently). These didn't seem to be normal spots though. If I popped one it just turned in to a sort of sore. If I didn't pop one it turned in to a sort of sore anyway. I started wondering if I was getting in-grown hairs or if these were razor bumps. I questioned everything in my shaving routine and eventually decided to stop shaving altogether to rule it out and give my face a chance to heal.

Well today there was no change, plus there were glands up in my neck, so I went to the doctor and he told me TWO shocking things. First that I had Impetigo :eek: which my wife was quick to point out was a "scuzzy person's disease". But worse still, and even more shocking was that the doc told me to shave with an electric razor :eek: :shock: :?: .

Well, he gave me some antibiotics and I've made a start on them already. So I am giving it another day or so before I use my new Semogue boar brush and P160 for a celebratory shave. Thanks for listening. I just had to get this traumatic episode of my life off my chest.

PS And no, I don't know how I caught it!
Wow! What a thing to happen as you begin your quest towards shaving nirvana. This, too, shall pass.
Welcome to B&B!
Hey bro, I've tried some novel uses for the alum block. Have you tried one for this condition? Its antiseptic and works for some of the darn'est things. Give it a try, it may keep you off the perscription roller coaster. :wink: :biggrin:


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