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Happy Birthday FarmerTan


"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
Happy birthday Dave. I remember many years ago turning 50 years old. You will find it a great age to be.
Oh my. I turned 60!
I've gotta tell this true story.

One year I werked my birthday in a rehab/ Long Term Care place. I was blabbing to all my patients; the guys liked to shoot the breeze while I passed pills. I told this one gent, a Vietnam War Vet that I thought I looked pretty good for 47.

He says "you look pretty good for 57."

I says, no, I'm 47.

He says, "Oh...you don't look so good!"

I've told that story so many times I won't be able to put it in my book, because, literally...... EVERYONE I have ever met I've told it to!
Happy birthday Dave!! And many more to come.
Hopefully the War Department allowed you to treat yourself to something special today.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
40 years ago there would have been copious amounts of beir imbibed upon.... Now I'm so old there ain't any around, so if you come by, just bring a cake and some ice cream and I'll provide the scoop!

At yore aige, we can't be givvin yew any of that shuggary sweetness, so yew gets a rice kake for yer berthday.


Trew storie doggone.
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