After over 50 years of swilling the Java my stomach finally said no more- started getting daily heartburn. For the last ten years I drank 'Kava' an acid reduced coffee, not much taste but delivered the good old punch. Now even that is no more and I have spent the last several months in brain fog. Tea seems to be tolerated up to a point so have been having a couple cups a day of strong black tea with a coffee substitute to fool myself added. Dismal but better than nothing.
Has anyone else gone through this transition and if so what did you find that can take off the edge, By the way I have tried decaf, that's as bad if not worse on me. Clearly it's not the caffeine that does me in- it's the oils or something else I am sensitive to. Comments?
Has anyone else gone through this transition and if so what did you find that can take off the edge, By the way I have tried decaf, that's as bad if not worse on me. Clearly it's not the caffeine that does me in- it's the oils or something else I am sensitive to. Comments?