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Grating and mixing hard soaps?

Here's one of those crazy early-morning-not-enough-sleep-I-wonder-what-would-happen ideas that some of you have had the guts to try.

Has anyone grated two or more hard soaps, mixed the shavings, and then pressed them into a mug to create something new? Did you like the result? Was it what you expected?

I've been actually thinking about this, looks like I'm not the only one:lol:

I have a tub of the RR version of TFS Tobacco Verde that isn't strongly scented, I think I may try to mash that together with something to create a frankensoap.
There have been huge numbers of different "Frankensoaps" created over the years, with varying degrees of success. If you are considering combining a nicely scented but poorly performing soap with a good performer in order to improve the lathering qualities of the former....... I've never had much success.
I tried to 'improve' on a DR Harris Almond puck by grating it and adding some DR Harris Marlborough cologne. Don't do that :blink:!
Actually, I was thinking of taking two hard soaps that are good on their own, but combing them to create a new combination, say, like grating a pure saddlewood puck and mixing it with the shavings from a citrus-scented puck. The theory being that the quality of both soaps is equal, but the makers or makers does not offer the unique combination that you want to try.
I mixed shave sticks: erasmic and tabac.
Reason: erasmic lather breaks down and dries up very fast. Reluctant to throw it out, I mixed it with grated tabac stick: got 250g tabacrasmic in a bowl:laugh:
Stable thick and slick lather...
i would say go for it. as long as they are similar textures. i mixed tabac and haslinger sheep milk/lanolin and it works great.
I've mixed hard soap savings into a soft soap/croap, and had great success with it. Part of the key there was that I shredded more than grated the hard soap, so bigger strands, and didn't over use too much of the croap, just enough to integrate and form a good layer in the mug. I mixed a sample size of MWF into a generous sample size of Strop Shoppe tallow Bay Rum...
One of my cheapskate ventures:

I thought I could save money by shaving with Dove soap. It was okay, but not spectacular. I grated half a bar of Dove (2 oz) and a puck of Van Der Hagen Deluxe (2.5 oz), adding a little KMF Mint to help it stick together. YMMV, but the combo works very well for me.

Well it's strange to run across this thread because I wasjust about to start one on this same thing. Today I took a full puck of Williams,near full puck of AOS Sandalwood, some Bleminngton Bouquet, some VDH, some ConkAlmond, and about a half a puck of Old spice. Cut it in chunks and put it allin the food processor for about 45 seconds to chop it up real fine, packed itin a 2 cup Pyrex bowl and micro waved it for about 30 seconds to melt the VDHand Conk Almond and pressed it real good. I can’t hardly wait till tomorrow to try it out.



I’m stumped
would it not be better to make a few test lathers, mixing the two said soaps when loading your brush before committing to grating and combining the two? :idea:

Well it's strange to run across this thread because I wasjust about to start one on this same thing. Today I took a full puck of Williams,near full puck of AOS Sandalwood, some Bleminngton Bouquet, some VDH, some ConkAlmond, and about a half a puck of Old spice. Cut it in chunks and put it allin the food processor for about 45 seconds to chop it up real fine, packed itin a 2 cup Pyrex bowl and micro waved it for about 30 seconds to melt the VDHand Conk Almond and pressed it real good. I can’t hardly wait till tomorrow to try it out.

Not to kill your buzz, but microwaving tallow based soaps (like Williams and aos) usually scorches them and ruins them. Fingers crossed for you tomorrow!
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