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Going Custom! (Handle & Inkwell Stand)

Elder Wand 1.png

TLDR; Karve D Plate on a Custom Brass Handle and Custom Brass Inkwell Stand (Forced Patina).

Trying to find a handle with that 'WOW' factor was seemingly impossible, so after enless searching, i decided to design my own.

The Harry Potter fans amoung you will know this handle is based off the iconic Elder Wand!

As an engineer, the design work wasn't too difficult. Thanks to 3D printing i was able to make design changes within minutes based on how it felt in the hand. After 5/6 revisions, i was happy with the size / dimensions of the handle and it was time to manufacturer. I had it made at a UK based (I am also UK) machine shop.

With the base of the handle being 18mm wide, there was no brass stand i could find online that would fit this handle. So i thought i might aswell have a brass stand made at the same time. It's nothing special, just based off an inkwell design i liked (Added a hole in the bottom to allow for water to drain)

Once it arrived it was then 3-4 hours with the Dremmel adding all of the holes with a 2mm engraving bit.

Antiquing Solution was then used on all the parts (Including Karve plates) and then polished to a medium shine (Still considering if i should put in more time for a mirror finish or leave it as is)

Total Cost:
Handle - £60 ($83)
Stand - £40 ($55)

And You'll be absolutely damned if you think i'm not currently protyping a matching brass brush :c10:

Elder Wand 2.png


My exploding razor knows secrets
Beautiful Elder Wand
Suitable for practicing all mantras while shaving.
Unbelievable! What an absolute treasure. I love hearing about 3D printing prototyping. I don't have one but I imagine that's the type of thing I would like to do.
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