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Godrej has a shaving soap dirt cheap?

Spotted on everybody's favorite internet auction site. The gentleman is asking $2.99 "buy it now" plus $2.35 shipping for a 50g puck in a plastic bowl with lid. I never heard of it. Has anybody?
I am wanting for people who use it to share their opinion about its quality of shaves vs the Williams or other cheaper soaps they use...

For India, this is the "Williams" if I may say so, and for that matter the only Soap !!
After spending about 5 months with DE shaving, my only complaint about Godrej shaving rounds is that they don't have other scents. The semi-neutral smell is fine; I just hope that some new scents would be produced. But hey, I guess if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

I'll have to compare and contrast Godrej with another shaving soap when I get home (Michigan, USA). But I will bet that Godrej will out rank all the other cheaper soaps. And at about $.20 a round in India, it's going to be very stiff competition.
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