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glue spots at blade edge

just loaded up a gillette 7oclock super stainless from my sampler pack and noticed 2 of the glue spots actually go all the way to the edge

i'm guessing i should probably not actually use that side of the blade?
This is why glue spots are rarely "appreciated". Easy tricks are alcohol dips, and scraping them off (carefully) with the old blade. Myself, I scrape them off, but I confess that when they're on the blade edge, I'm more inclined to ditch it and grab another without so much glue. Wasteful? Yes, but it keeps me calm. You can probably go ahead and use it in the position you have it in. A couple rinses in hot water should take away anything on the actual edge.
-- Chet
just wipe it off with some alc and use it... or toss it if you prefer...

whats the purpose of that glue anyway??? to keep it from sliding inside an envelope it cant slide around in the first place? FRUSTRATING i know.:mad3:
They are defective....send them back. :tongue_sm

Seriously, just do as mentioned in the post above. One of those things alot of us have to deal with. I personally just let the warm water and actual shaving take care of it.
A Qtip dipped in rubbing alcohol carefully rubbed on the spots should take care of the glue. I bought some vintage Wilkinson Sword blades in metal dispensers that were supposed to slide out of the dispenser like a Spoiler or Platinum Plus from Gillette. However, whatever was put on the blades to help them slide out of the dispenser got old and made the blades stick together. After a considerable struggle, I broke open the dispensers, got the blades out and ended up using a box cutter quality single edge blade to pry them apart. Once I was able to do that, I got some great shaves. The glue on the individually wrapped Gillette blades no longer bothers me.
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whats the purpose of that glue anyway??? to keep it from sliding inside an envelope it cant slide around in the first place?
It could be to keep it from sliding around while it is being placed IN the envelope. Having that blade adhere to the paper while it's being packaged would make sense--of course, I've never been to a razor blade factory. But I get around.:wink2:
IIRC, the actual substance is nothing more than a little wax that won't affect the shave. I just ignore it.

But there does seem to be more of it lately. :mad3:
You know, the only thing keeping me from bulk buying Astra SP's are those d---ed glue/wax spots. The blade itself is just great, but those glue/wax spots are horrible!! I just can't get over them, and for me they won't wash off in a hot water rinse. I don't want to risk self-surgery trying to scrape them off with a used blade, either.

When I load my Slim or other TTO with one of them, whenever I open it to rinse it after a shave, the spots stick to the TTO doors and let go all at once when pressure overcomes adhesion. I'm afraid one day that the blade will come flying out at me. Yikes!!
I put the glue side face down so they aren't in contact with the TTO doors. I usually scrape them first with the blade which was just removed.
You know, the only thing keeping me from bulk buying Astra SP's are those d---ed glue/wax spots. The blade itself is just great, but those glue/wax spots are horrible!!!
I want to try them, too, but the Astra SP photo I've seen of a wrapped blade shows big blotch spots through the paper. I like Derbys, and they use a little, but it's the limit of what I want.

While everyone's not a big fan of the Pakistani Treet line of blades, when it comes to packaging they get it right. Simple cardboard boxes with double wrapped blades inside--no glue, no wax, no plastic or metal or metal + plastic. If I could just get my favorite blades to adopt my favorite type of packaging, I'd be all set.

Of course, then I wouldn't get to grouse about it.:001_smile
I want to try them, too, but the Astra SP photo I've seen of a wrapped blade shows big blotch spots through the paper. I like Derbys, and they use a little, but it's the limit of what I want.

While everyone's not a big fan of the Pakistani Treet line of blades, when it comes to packaging they get it right. Simple cardboard boxes with double wrapped blades inside--no glue, no wax, no plastic or metal or metal + plastic. If I could just get my favorite blades to adopt my favorite type of packaging, I'd be all set.

Of course, then I wouldn't get to grouse about it.:001_smile

+1 to the appeal of Treet packaging. Sometimes, more is just...more.
Use Kai blades. No glue/wax spots at all. No words or graphics on the blade. Just a razor blade. Packed into a little envelope, and then 5 at a time into cardboard boxes. All recyclable, no waste.

And most importantly, NO GLUE SPOTS!
The Gillette Super Thin is a very sharp blade with no glue, good price too. I have narrowed down my search to these, Super Iridiums and the Gillette 7 O'clock yellows, which I find are pretty similar.
Those glue spots are annoying, but I can't honestly say that they have affected my shaves in any way. Getting them out of the razor can be a real pain, though.
Getting them out of the razor can be a real pain, though.
Even if it isn't affecting the shave, it is creating an annoyance for you--one that is unnecessary. Shouldn't have to put up with it. If it comes off in your hardware, it's a design flaw.
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