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Gillette super thins

I recieved a free pack, thanks Phil at bullgooose, of gillette super thins in the 5+1 pack with my last order. What is the general thought on these blades? Characteristics?
I liked them in my Parker not a bad shave, wasn't the sharpest most efficient blade ever but decent. I did notice they are smooth but im also used to using a R41 with a feather so smooth to me is something most consider something else.
I like my Gillette Super Thins, stainless steel. The only problem was that I had a dud one in the packet that didn't shave well.

My ones were slightly sharper than SuperMax Stainless steel, and a lot sharper than my Shark Stainless Steel.
Fortunately, they weren't as sharp as my Astra SPs, which turned most of my razors into nicking machines.
What is the general thought on these blades? Characteristics?

I'm a big fan of Phil and Bullgoose. He's a class act.

... anyhooo ...

I do not like the Super Thins. I got the Vietnamese ones and just couldn't get anything near a comfortable shave -- lots of pulling.
Some people really like 'em, but they just don't work for me.
-- Chet
I still haven't tried em. The Polsilver SI blades I ordered and the 7oclock black I was PIFd had priority.
Good to hear some thoughts about these, I'm going to try and pick up some local Super Thins when I go to Vietnam in November.
Tried them today. Not too shabby. Got a good shave with no irritation. Equipment used: Merkur 34C, Parker heavy chrome brush, Proraso red, Gilette super thin.
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