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Gillette adjustables - tension on blade when not in use?

Hi, I am new (again) to using a DE after a few decades of disposables.

I have acquired a Gillette Slim and a Black Beauty, and am wondering about leaving tension on the blade when not in use, that is, the blade doors being fully closed. I had what probably was a Slim last century, but I don't remember how I left the razor when not in use.

Trying to search the forum on this question has not resulted in any answer, I don't know exactly what search term to use.

So, when the Gillette adjustables are not in use, with or without a blade, do you fully close the blade doors or just close the doors to just the start of tension?

I loosen the doors quite a bit, not to decrease tension on the blade but in order to let air flow in so the blade can dry more quickly between uses. One of the things that dulls razor blades is oxidation, which is more likely to happen when they are wet.
When there is a blade in, I do nothing to release the tension until I am ready to throw the blade out - usually within three days (or a week at the most). Between shaves I just spray the razor and blade with a quick spritz of 70% iso alcohol to help the drying process. I do release the tension on the doors before trying to adjust the setting though.

If I store the razor without a blade in, I just make sure to close the doors, but don't really put any tension on them.
I may not use the same razor more than once a month or more. Nothing worse than picking up a razor you have not looked at in a couple of months and finding a large cut because you forgot to remove the blade (never done this as I always remove the blades)

Think of storing a razor like storing a firearm. Unload it then put it away. When you bring it out always check to make sure it is unloaded before you play with it.

I remove blades from razors after each shave and store them separately. I keep my razors apart (2 and 3 piece) to dry. I keep my TTO razors open to dry. When they are completely dry (usually 2-3 days) I put them in velvet bags (pic below) then into a drawer until the next time I want to use them

I release the tension on my Slim. Does it make a difference? There's probably no way to know for sure. The razor is built like a tank, so probably not. But I do it anyway, figuring it can't hurt. They'll stay open until the next shave. If I'm storing the razor away for a longer period I'll remove the blade and close the doors.
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