I came across this razor the other day, and upon close examination I realized that it appeared to be an ABC handle on a conventional thick cap, Old Type head. This was based on the shape of the cap, and the longer blade positioning posts. I assumed it to be a Frankenrazor, but I've always really liked the solid ABC handles, plus the price was right, so I picked it up. After getting it home and doing some comparisons with my other shell pattern ABC ( with the short, round posts) I discovered that this newly acquired handle has a deeper thread to accommodate a longer center stud; my other ABC shell pattern handle, while appearing otherwise identical, won't screw all the way on to the Old Type head. The new handle, on the other hand, is a perfect fit, indicating perhaps that it was designed to mate with a later, conventional Old Type head. I should also add that the newly acquired head has no serial #.
Anybody know if Gillette ever made such a razor?
Anybody know if Gillette ever made such a razor?