I got this GEM Contour II on the bay a few weeks ago. Anyway, there really was not much information, on the last SE razor produced buy ASR/GEM. As can be seen, the package included 5 blades which are vydax coated not sure what that is. There is no mention of the vydax coating on current GEM blades or even 10 year old blades. I took some comparison shots of the Contour II, GEM Featherweight, and G-Bar. I had heard that the final production Contour's had a slightly weaker spring for holding the SE blade. Upon examining the Contour II I can see that ASR did take some steps in cheaping out the flip mechanism. It seems not to have the snap that my Featherweight or G-Bar has. How long this flip mechanism will last is anyones guess. Also you can see the bracket which is attached to the metal head is plastic, the featherweight and G-Bar do not have that, they are metal which I think increases it's structural integrity. I like the length of the Contour's handle. Please see pics below.
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