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Froze the Mustache

While traveling this strange road of handle bar mustaching I hit a new milestone today that I've never seen on the FAQs along the way. I left it lightly waxed in a cowboy effect today just to keep it out of the way. After two hours shoveling in 23 degree air I noticed chunks in it. I took me a minute to realize it had frozen. So we should add to the FAQs that after it becomes a certain length, it will be susceptible to freezing, hahaha. For me it's 8" across where I noted this effect.

Yea, I've had icicles hanging from the beard and mustache many times. Even with the ice it still keeps the face warmer than bare skin. Earlier this week it was -13F in the morning. I could feel it start to freeze, just walking out to start the truck.
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