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French Hand Grinder: Hop

I picked this up this weekend. It was tagged as "not working", so I knocked them down a bit just in case it really was a dust collector "collectible", but I managed to grind some beans in it. At the finest I can make it, it is still pretty coarse. Good enough for camping and it grinds pretty fast.

I can take this nut off, but at that point, the mechanism seems pretty stuck. I really want to get into the grind chamber to clean it, but at the risk of destroying it, I gave up. It might just be a dust collector. A cool one though.

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Interesting find, I have never seen anything like it. Is that bolt with the Fin/Gross adjuster sheared off from the bottom plate? The last picture gives that impression, but it is hard to tell how things fit together.
Interesting find, I have never seen anything like it. Is that bolt with the Fin/Gross adjuster sheared off from the bottom plate? The last picture gives that impression, but it is hard to tell how things fit together.

No, that nut comes off and so there is just a nuts worth of thread showing. I thought for sure when I took that nut off the rest of it would come apart. Thought the handle would pull out. But it is frozen solid.

Well, it's my first vintage coffee related item. :smile:

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