I use VDH soap for making superlather, but that doesn't count. It seems Tabac is highly acclaimed here. Should I get Tabac as my first true soap or something else?
Tobac certainly wouldn't be a bad choice as your next soap. It lathers very easily and is very lubricating. I am still getting used to smell though, I don't hate or love it. To me its an intriguing musky type smell, its hard to explain.
Whether or not it is your next soap, Tabac should make its way through your shave routine at some point. Just don't get it right off the bat and pass judgement on it if you can't get good results right away. On the other hand, likely you will get good results, and it will aid you in judging what a good soap lather is like. I just got my first Tabac last week, and I tell you it really re-opened my eyes as to what kind of lather I should be getting. I tended to take shortcuts with my soaps, and not spend the time to get the good lather. Now that I've been reminded what kind of lather I want, I make sure I get that result with every soap when I use them, it just often takes a little longer.