I started shaving with a Schick Injector and used it until after college. Just a few weeks ago, I was down in the basement and came across my Dad's '59 SS, Gem G-bar and Ever-Ready (1912 type) that I'd forgotten he gave to me when he switched to an electric.
Well, I located some Treet blades (made by ASR) locally and just loaded up for my first shave - WTG / XTG / ATG.
WOW! Now that's BBS close! The muscle memory from the Injector came right back with only one small weeper on the middle of my cheek. I've gotten BBS before with my other razors, but I think this will definitely be the razor for those special occasion shaves!
Well, I located some Treet blades (made by ASR) locally and just loaded up for my first shave - WTG / XTG / ATG.
WOW! Now that's BBS close! The muscle memory from the Injector came right back with only one small weeper on the middle of my cheek. I've gotten BBS before with my other razors, but I think this will definitely be the razor for those special occasion shaves!