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First mostly full straight shave a success!

After working my way into it with a few partial shaves (just sideburns, both hands, then sideburns and cheeks, etc.) finally attempted my first mostly full shave today. The result - just as smooth as a DE shave, if not better, with no real irritation to speak of (although there is a tingling sensation). I'm still a little chicken to tackle my mouth/chin, so I did that with my red tip. But other than a tiny nick where I got careless on the edge of my neck, I think I call this a total win. Damn those blades are sharp. :biggrin:
Once you keep at it your skills will progress even further. Some say they even learn to shave with a straight months after they started - and I'm among them.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member

Don't be too worried with the jawline, chine or thorat. Try to shave them when you will confident enough but as long as you take it slow, it will easier!
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