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finishing scales

heard that crazy glue works and i tried it with limited success and pulled my hair out in the meantime.obviously know that epoxy works but do not know which type to use.one that i can find.any help or links would be appreciated.thanks
If you are referring to a "superglue" finish, Thin CA glue is your best product. I have heard that thin superglues in the little tin tube will work too. T-88 is mostly used for bonding, but can also be applied as a finish.
You haven't said what type of material the scales are made out of. If you are using a wood such as Ebony, rosewood, Cocobolo, etc. these are extremely oily woods and the only type of finish you can realistically put on them is either and oil finish or CA.
If you are using a non-oily material then you can use CA, Epoxy, Bar top epoxy, Laquer, oil finishes, gun stock finishes, the list goes on. T-88 is used mostly for bonding surfaces like the wedge and liners. If you use any type of epoxy, remember that the drying time is usually 8 hours or more, so make sure the scales are attached to something and can't move.

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