I decided my collection wouldn't be complete without a Merkur HD. I received it Monday and have used it twice (also shaved with a Fatboy I just received). It came with a Merkur blade and at first I didn't want to use it. Several years ago I purchased a Merkur Mustache razor and pack of blade from a Cutlery store in the mall, none of the blades would cut the hair on my arm let alone my whiskers. But the Merkur DE blades are highly rated on this forum so I use the one that came with the razor. Very nicely made razor, I wish the plating was as nise on the old Gillettes. Shaves very nice too, different then my Gillettes. This razor is at the top of my razor rotation along with the Fatboy, Slin and Super Seed.
Now I need to get me a Slant.
Now I need to get me a Slant.