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FILM NOIR ..... any fans ?

There was one version called Satan Met a Lady, I guess because Hammett had described Sam Spade on page 1 as looking "rather pleasantly like a blond Satan." The earlier versions didn't follow the novel very well. When John Huston prepared his 1941 version, he stuck closely to the novel, including dialog and casting actors who really resembled the Hammett characters. Peter Lorre's Joel Cairo and Sydney Greenstreet's Caspar Gutman are the living embodiment of Hammet's vision.

One I forgot to mention earlier. I really enjoyed this film.
Love that genre. Some of my favorites are Double Indemnity with Barbara Stanwyck and Fred MacMurray, Night of the Hunter with Robert Mitchum, & Ace in the Hole with Kirk Douglas.
There was one version called Satan Met a Lady, I guess because Hammett had described Sam Spade on page 1 as looking "rather pleasantly like a blond Satan." The earlier versions didn't follow the novel very well. When John Huston prepared his 1941 version, he stuck closely to the novel, using dialog from the text and casting actors who really resembled the Hammett characters. Peter Lorre's Joel Cairo and Sydney Greenstreet's Caspar Gutman are the living embodiment of Hammett's vision.

The only misstep: casting Mary Astor as the supposed femme fatale. There seems little real chemistry between Bogart's Spade and her Brigid, not enough to account for the supposed love affair between them. If they had cast someone more sizzling, like Hedy Lamarr or Veronica Lake or Lana Turner, the film would have worked even better.
Satan Met A Lady is actually an extra on my Bogart Maltese Falcon DVD. It's not terrible, but not great. It does have Bette Davis but no Falcon, some other meaningless relic.
I find them hard to track down. Some of the films I search for on Amazon are extortionately priced. I have a DVD exchange local to me which sometimes has a few titles. I might have to start looking at downloading them in future.
if you are Wi-Fi set up and have a smart TV you can stream them free off youtube, they have an enormous selection of noir...


Self Ignored by Vista
The Thin Man is on Turner Classic Movies right now...if you get that channel. I've seen it before though.
Some great ones mentioned already. Among my other favourites:

Call Northside 777
Ascenseur Pour L’Echaufaud
Night And The City
The Glass Key
Love that genre. Some of my favorites are Double Indemnity with Barbara Stanwyck and Fred MacMurray, Night of the Hunter with Robert Mitchum, & Ace in the Hole with Kirk Douglas.
I was at Stanwyck's ranch house a couple weeks ago. The city of LA is currently working on turning some of the grounds into a public park. The house itself has been vacant for years and needs a lot of work.

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I agree, Night and the City really reminds me of why Richard Widmark was a star
I’m just getting into film noir and older films so I’m not aware of some of the actors mentioned in this thread. I’m sure I’ll soon be more familiar with who they all are.
Turner Classics has Noir Alley on every week, Saturday night, midnight eastern time. Repeated on Sunday. Great movie selection, very informative intros by some Noir maniac.
I am an Orson Welles fan and A Touch Of Evil is as good as it gets.

Beat me to it! One of the best, and unfortunately at the twilight of the genre, and still holds up decades later. Heston, Wells, and the supporting cast were played, and played off each other to perfection.

As to the genre, oh my yes. When I was a kid I thought they were kind of over melodramatic and corny. And some were. However, like a finely mixed Vieux Carre, you need some years on you to appreciate the form. I love those movies now. Every time I see one of the shadowy scenes and the pinned perfect suit, I want to open a pack of Lucky's, smoke til my brain hurts, grab the wife and go out on the town. And I haven't picked up a cigarette in...well, I cannot begin to remember.

The movie that turned me was of all things...Blade Runner. It was noir in all its underappreciated glory. Sean Young's wardrobe and hair, the shadows, the over talk by Decker. Wow. When A Touch of Evil was remastered about 20 years ago I watched it three times in a week.
Just looked up “Touch Of Evil” originaly “badge Of Evil” by Whit Masterson.
Anyone read the novel after watching the movie?
The Maltese Falcon is the only I have watched and then read the book.
If I had read the book first I would have picked the movie apart.
Check out Internet Archive Search: film noir - 192 hits for "film noir", "movies" and "feature films".

Then head on over to the Old Time Radio collections at Old Time Radio : Free Audio : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive and download some detective radio shows.
I killed many an hour during some long and otherwise uneventful night shifts listening to them on my iPod, or in my car on long road trips.
Some favourite series that I recall: Adventures of Philip Marlowe, Box 13, Broadway is My Beat, and Yours Truly Johnny Dollar.
I am a big fan of film noir. There are so many great classics. YouTube has a pretty good selection. They just don't make movies like that any more. Love the clothes, the hairstyles, the cars, the characters, the language they used. Wonderful genre.
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