I don't know the diff. I get one or both. Went years without any now lately every month.
What have you found works to rid them?
What have you found works to rid them?
Taking 2000mg to 3000mg of Lysine daily should prevent cold sores from coming out.
Apply an ice cube onto the place where the cold sore is for a few minutes. That should kill it. Apply ice immediately whenever you feel the tingling sensation. That should prevent the cold sore from coming out.
I take a few drop of grapefruit seed extract and apply it to a tissue. I gently rub it into the cold sore until it bleeds. I then wash it off with cold water. Be careful not to rub the GSE anyplace else. I have burned my lips with the stuff when it went where it was not supposed to. It might take two-three times before it bleeds. Once it bleeds that should kill it. It becomes a cut and then heals in a few days.
GSE kills viruses, bacteria and parasites. Drinking juice twice a day with 10 drops each time should help also. Gargling with the juice will get rid of sore throats.