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Feed my soap AD/wetshaving.....lol...please

I wanted to ask, if you guys would point me toward a etaylor, that has most of the good soaps, this way I could order from one company.
Also if you guys could give me some suggestions of soaps that you all enjoy,this way I don't purchase something I will not use.
If you guys know of a good etaylor, like amazon, or other that would be great........thanks for feeding my hobby........RP
Tabac and AOS are two really nice tallow soaps, Tabac being the better value. I prefer to shop around for my soaps individually to save money, as you never know when a sale is going to pop up. There is an insane one happening on Amazon right now for Tabac, for example. You might miss out if you only buy from one place; that being said, if you do buy from one place, make it someone who supports the badgerandblade community, like Jim at vintageblades. It's loyalty vs. money.
I wanted to ask, if you guys would point me toward a etaylor, that has most of the good soaps, this way I could order from one company.
Also if you guys could give me some suggestions of soaps that you all enjoy,this way I don't purchase something I will not use.
If you guys know of a good etaylor, like amazon, or other that would be great........thanks for feeding my hobby........RP

Some of the domestic handcrafted soaps are only sold through the soapmaker's website. These for example:


There are many other sites, one very good one of which is mentioned above, that stock a variety of domestic and imported products. If you stick with one site, you'll miss out on the wonderful variety of product available.

Have fun.

Hey, Russell. How's the SS doing?

+1 for both Sue (Mama Bear) and Sue (Honeybee Spa). Love their soaps. I have Coconut Lime Verbena, Dragon's Blood, and Bay Rum from Honeybee Spa, and Wild Mint & Ivy, Czar's Choice Halloween Special and Limes/Cilantro. Can't beat either one, and both Sues are members here...
Hey Chuck the SS is great man...
Thanks for all you guys replys, Please keep them coming.
I am hoping to get a TON of shaving soaps, and hopefully make a purchase tonight......:thumbup1::thumbup1:
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