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I just saw Roger Federer make the best money shot i've ever seen on a tennis court, on the next to last point of the match.
He is phenomenal. So good that you can see on the penultimate shot exactly what he is doing to set up the kill...and presuming that we can see it so can the other guy and yet the other guy is unable to do anything about it because there is enough ambiguity in what Federer may do that he cant commit. He is the best tennis player I have ever seen.
I was lucky enough to watch him at the open last weekend... he was head and shoulders better than everybody else that I saw. His skill and shot repertoire was truly astonishing.
Here is better...

My son said that was on you tube 3 minutes after it happened. Nobody hits winners on those shots. Not even Fed.

Watching him is truly amazing, he is one of those instinctive players that knows exactly what to do in a given situation without thinking. We are witness to two of the greatest athletes in history, Tiger Woods and Roger Federer.

A friend of mine who is a very accomplished guitarist put it this way when we went to see Eric Clapton, "He can think it and just play it, there isn't thought only instinct" I think Woods and Federer fall into that category, it's almost like the club and the racquet are an extension of them. It's hard to say how many hours of practice these guys have put in ,but they truly are natural athletes. They have made the most of their abilities.
I used to play tournaments in the 70's. I was a big fan of the players back then, Borg, Conners, Vilas etc.

What I would love be able to see is all of the greats play against each other. The games I think would be great. Due to the training and exercise routines of today's players, the modern players would probably win out.

Of course the equipment would have to be the same. My first racquet was a Jack Kramer. It is tiny by today's standards.
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