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Folding camera acquisition disorder that is.

I have several hundred vintage cameras, and used to have the majority on display until it really felt like I was living in a museum, or very well stocked photography shop from the fifties. The only ones I have on permanent display now are my Agfa folders (also have a thing for flash units too).

That's a nice collection!

I'm tempted to dig out my Nikon F2 bodies and accessories for display - I might be more likely to use them as well! :bored:
I've used these quite a bit.

Centre of the upper shelf is a Solinette 35mm folder, which I used until the bellows tore... the lens is impossibly good for a triplet. I've run through the Karats too (the other smaller models), tho they use 35mm film in a special cassette which has to be loaded in the darkroom.

Haven't used the 6x6 folders much as I have some very good Zeiss cameras in that format - a 1938 Ikoflex II TLR, and post-war Super Ikonta folder. The 6x9 cameras are great fun to use - the negative is big enough to contact print and I've used them with transparency stock to make lantern slides (sandwiched with a mask between glass photo plates and bound up with pass partout tape). I don't know anyone else who does this any more, but it is a bit quixotic.
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