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Fatty Green Shark PIF

Pruritus. Probably one of the most mis-spelled words in the medical field because everyone spells it as "pruritis."
Bundt. As in bundt cake. Where else do you see a "d" and a "t" together at the end of a word? I always make sure to pronounce both letters (even though it is incorrect) bun-deh-tuh IM IN

Dysdiadochokinesia: The impaired ability to perform rapid alternating movements. I love Proraso and Sharks and have wanted to try the FAT forever.

"Brainsneeze" - Si on Duck Dynasty. def. - "Your head hurts because your brain has to sneeze, but it can't cause it's a brain"


Small intracellular channels found in various cell types in the body, including bone osteocytes to host capillaries, and in liver hepatocytes for bile transport. A very fun word (to say), compared to a lot of dull words that those of us studying medicine are exposed to, IMHO.

Seen here in bone as the little spindly protrusions.

and seen here in the hepatocytes of the liver as the sort of dark "cracks" in the cells.

Great PIF!

Love this word. Means second to last, or as I like to say... The last, but one. I discovered this word watching a Monty Python skit called The Penultimate Supper. Look it up, it is super funny.
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NUTS !!! My ALL-TIME favorite quote........American Gen MacAuliffe's one word reply when the German commander Gen. Luttwitz demanded the surrender of Bastogne. WWII
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