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Fatboy G1

Recently picked up a Fatboy 1961 (G1).
What a pleasant surprise. Not mint condition but very good condition nevertheless.
Cleaned it up and disinfected.
A couple of shaves under my belt and truly impressed

Smooth shave with a Rapira blade + TOBS sandalwood cream+ Muehle RP2 brush.
BBS shave..

Why Gillette stopped making these...is a mystery!
I also have a Titan/M1..it is a real debate which provides the better shave.
I like the heft of the Titan.
But there is just something "visceral" about these old school Fatboys.

I continue to search for a nice Slim H2...but is there a real difference in the shave of a Slim vs a Fatboy???
I have a fatboy, but it is in desperate need of some TLC. One of the silo doors seems to be on an ever so slight angle and I would like to get it replated. Does anyone have any suggestions as to the best place to get this done?
Nothing says 1950's, 60's like the honk'n big handle of a Gillette Fat boy. I have a G2, which was a gift from my as a birth razor. I particularly like Red Personnas and Shark's in the FB.
I have a "61 and a "58. For me, the 58 shaves just a little better and the grip/knurlig feels more...grippy.
This reminds me of the G1 that I just sold here on the Buy Sell Trade forum. I tried it and it was not for me. They have quite a following, though.
I have to 59's one in shipping box that I dont plan on using.. The other I sent for a revamp but when I called they said they sold it by mistake but he did offer to replace it so at the moment dont know what it feels like to shave with a fatboy...
The Slim also has a longer handle as well as a smaller profile on the head height.
Similar in funtion but several differences that can add up to a different feel.

I've noticed that I can go with the FB turned all the way up to 9 but need to knock the Slim down to about 8 so at least to me (YMMV)there is a notch worth of additional aggressiveness to the Slim.
Just as a public service one might think that a Super Adjustable would mean that it needs to go down yet another notch to 7 but at least for me the SA needs to go down to 5 maybe 6 if I'm feeling froggy.
The Slim also has a longer handle as well as a smaller profile on the head height.
Similar in funtion but several differences that can add up to a different feel.

Does the smaller head profile equate to a different shave angle or easier for those hard to get spots (below the nose)?
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