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Excessive Scalp Sweating

I have always had an issue with excessive sweating on my scalp. Now that my hair is thinning it's becoming more of a problem as large beads gather and run down my forehead and sides of my head, where as they would have been caught by my hair in the past.

Does anyone have some suggestions for products or home remedies or grooming techniques I could use to try and better control this issue?
Sage is said to help with excessive sweating.Drink it as a tea or get capsules and take one every day.I use sage,ginger and cinnamon in capsules to help with diabetes.Whilst using this combo I noticed that I was sweating less.So it may work for you too.
I have always had an issue with excessive sweating on my scalp. Now that my hair is thinning it's becoming more of a problem as large beads gather and run down my forehead and sides of my head, where as they would have been caught by my hair in the past.

Does anyone have some suggestions for products or home remedies or grooming techniques I could use to try and better control this issue?
I shaved my head after my hair started to thin. I always had a similar problem, not terrible, but when it was hot and humid. After shaving my head it stayed much cooler. I used clippers without a guard every couple days. It only took a minute. Now I shave it with a de sometimes daily. I love it! No issues at all anymore.
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