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Ever try Arabian coffee?

Went to a middle eastern restaurant and they served Arabian coffee in a beautiful coffee pot. It was served in a cup just a bit smaller than espresso cup. Quite nice, strong. It had a wonderful flavour. I asked the waiter and he said it was prepared using cardomon seeds and boiled.
Prepared the same as Turkish coffee with addition of cardamom...You add the seeds or powder and sugar ( if desired ) to the water and boil , then remove jezve ( cezve ) from heat , add finely ground coffee ( ground to fine powder ) to water , place back on stove and when foam rises pour through fine sieve into demi-tasse cup....Sludge will float to bottom , so sip slow and watch the bottom of cup....If you can't grind to a fine powder , that's OK , as you will filter it anyway....Coarser grinds will be more like traditional Eritrean / Ethiopian style...You can also try ginger or cinnamon as well..
coffee cezve set-up.JPG
coffee instructions.JPG


Fussy Evil Genius
There is a nearby, family-owned, Lebanese restaurant where it's always been available. The late patriarch used to wander around with a pot in one hand and a handful of cups in the other, just passing out coffee to those who were finishing their meal. Wonderful stuff.
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