My TI 6/8 extra hollow was dragging so I gave it a few laps on .5 diamond on TM cotton, and a few on crox (other side of the cotton) and it sharpened right up. Figured I'd give my TI 11/16 1/4 grind a touch-up too but after it didn't seem better, maybe even not quite as good as it was prior so I gave it a 3 more laps on the diamond and a half dozen on the crox and now I can say for sure it's dragging. (It's shaving and it will still give a good stinging nick but it seems like more work than usual. Might not have had enough beard prep but I'd only just stepped out of the shower.) Not sure what I did or didn't do. Do heavier grinds need more pasted stropping then finer grinds or maybe I simply rolled it just enough to dull it some? Can I get it keen again with more pasted stropping? Thanks!!