Do any of you use these? I see them at the mall all the time, but I have not tried them or anything (I am not a smoker, anyway). What are your impressions?
If you are trying to quit smoking, stick to gum or patches from recognized pharamceutical suppliers.
They are totally unregulated by the FDA. They are not subject to any sort of testing, or quality control, as we understand it.
Technically, I don't even think they are legal to be sold in the United States, as they are nicotine-delivery vehicles. The makers are Chinese companies, of which we know nothing.
If you are trying to quit smoking, stick to gum or patches from recognized pharamceutical suppliers.
good info. got a link?
These appear to be unapproved drug device products, said Karen Riley, a spokeswoman for the agency, and as unapproved products they cant enter the United States.
Of the e-cigarettes themselves, Dr. Hurt added: We basically dont know anything about them. Theyve never been tested for safety or efficacy to help people stop smoking.
The e-cigarettes use ethylene glycol to make the "smoke" you inhale. Ethylene glycol is an ingredient in antifreeze, and it has NEVER been tested to see if it is safe to inhale.
Just to be fair, the article you posted says that it is propylene glycol NOT ethylene glycol..