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Dying holiday traditions


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I'm ticked off. It's bad enough that they stopped airing King Kong on Thanksgivings many years ago, but this morning I see that for the first time in who knows how long they're not airing The March of the Wooden Soldiers. :mad3:

Another family tradition down the crapper.

How about Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, and so on. Lots of public schools in California have gone to Winter Holiday, Spring Holiday. Weird in my book.
I love watching charlie brown's christmas. Something about the piano riff in it that just brings back great memories for me.
For those in the DC area, Don & Mike doing the Hamburger James and Elvis story every year was what I looked forward to.
Honestly, how weirded out would you be if you got carolers?

Isn't it fascinating how a century ago, you probably would've opened the door and probably would've sung along and now your response would probably be a feeling of unease followed by an attempt at an awkward smile?
Honestly, how weirded out would you be if you got carolers?

Isn't it fascinating how a century ago, you probably would've opened the door and probably would've sung along and now your response would probably be a feeling of unease followed by an attempt at an awkward smile?

Not so many years ago, when I was a cub scout, our pack went door to door caroling in my neighborhood. It seemed to be well appreciated. Some of the people even brought us snacks!
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