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Dremel frustration

Ok, so I'm making progress on shaping my first gold dollar, but it has come time to change sanding drums and I can't for the life of me get the new sanding drum all the way onto the G.D. mandrel!! ( g.d. In this instance does not stand for gold dollar). I can get it about 2/3rds go the way on and that's it. Doesn't matter whether it's the 1/2 inch or the 1/4 inch ones. Just can't get the drum all the way onto the mandrel. Tips, please!


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Be gentle, Grasshopper.

If you press the drum on with any force the rubber bit grabs and it won't move. Take the screw out and remove that little washer, then very gently twist the drum onto the rubber part.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
There is also a new quick change version. You don't need a screwdriver. An internal cam activates when you pop it in or out.
Thanks for the tips. I have tried it with the mandrel in all stages of disassembly with similar success. Got it on the farthest by dampening the mandrel before putting on the drum. I will try to be more gentle and patient next time to see if I can get any further.
Take the screw out and roll the mandrel under a book with a little pressure to press it back into shape for accepting a new drum.
So I had a few medium grit drums lying around so I tried one of those and it slid on no problem. I think it was a mandrel that has never been used, so I am going to try alpster's roll it under a book tip on my other mandrels. Does anyone know what sizes the quick change mandrels come in and do they use the same drums?
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