I am writing this as a fairly new DE user. I have a Mercur Hefty Classic and I have only used it about ten times. But before I ask this question let me say that I have no intention of stopping use of a DE. They are beautiful to look at and they really do save you money. I have enough good blades to last me 4 years (if not more) of daily shaving (six times a week) and the total cost for me was less that $30.00. I like shaving with a DE for many reasons and I have no intention of changing my shaving routine in any significant way.
Okay, here's my question...
Does a DE really do anything that you can't get from a MACH3 or a Fusion or SCHICK Quatro?
Consider this. When a new shavephile is born he tends to buy either a DE or a straight razor. But I think most go the DE route. But at the same time he also purchases great, high quality creams, brushes, aftershaves, etc. All of these things conrtibute to getting a really good shave every day. Also, the newcomer is likely to do some research and find other techniques to getting the best shave possible. Which patterns to shave in? North to south, east to west? And then there's setting up your face. Shave AFTER a shower and spend a long time lathering. Maybe use a pre-shave gel.
There are many factors in getting your best shave. Is the use of a DE razor really that important? People who really get into shaving in a serious way have probably never used a truly high quality cream before. Nor did they ever think about shaving after showering and opening up all their pores.
Couldn't they get just as great a shave with a MACH3 and employing all of these techniques and using these products?
Or is there something speciual about a DE? Can it do things that a MACH3 can't? Is it gentler on your face? I would really like to know.
Personally, I think that DEs are, as I said before, beautiful. They're kind of like using a phonograph player today. They're romantic and they kind of put us in touch with a bygone era. But I am not convinced that it can be scientifically shown that they produce a better shave. I think it might be the use of all the other products that the DE shaver uses that are giving him great shaves. After all, no one buys a DE razor than and uses noname canned foam.
I DO think that I am seeing some benefit from my DE in terms of reducing irritation to my skin, but then the only true test for this would be to not use the DE for a while and use everything else that I am currently using - which is some great stuff that I have never used before.
Anyway, I would really love to hear what people here honestly have to say in response to this question.
Christoph, a conformed DE user with no thoughts of ever switching back.
Okay, here's my question...
Does a DE really do anything that you can't get from a MACH3 or a Fusion or SCHICK Quatro?
Consider this. When a new shavephile is born he tends to buy either a DE or a straight razor. But I think most go the DE route. But at the same time he also purchases great, high quality creams, brushes, aftershaves, etc. All of these things conrtibute to getting a really good shave every day. Also, the newcomer is likely to do some research and find other techniques to getting the best shave possible. Which patterns to shave in? North to south, east to west? And then there's setting up your face. Shave AFTER a shower and spend a long time lathering. Maybe use a pre-shave gel.
There are many factors in getting your best shave. Is the use of a DE razor really that important? People who really get into shaving in a serious way have probably never used a truly high quality cream before. Nor did they ever think about shaving after showering and opening up all their pores.
Couldn't they get just as great a shave with a MACH3 and employing all of these techniques and using these products?
Or is there something speciual about a DE? Can it do things that a MACH3 can't? Is it gentler on your face? I would really like to know.
Personally, I think that DEs are, as I said before, beautiful. They're kind of like using a phonograph player today. They're romantic and they kind of put us in touch with a bygone era. But I am not convinced that it can be scientifically shown that they produce a better shave. I think it might be the use of all the other products that the DE shaver uses that are giving him great shaves. After all, no one buys a DE razor than and uses noname canned foam.
I DO think that I am seeing some benefit from my DE in terms of reducing irritation to my skin, but then the only true test for this would be to not use the DE for a while and use everything else that I am currently using - which is some great stuff that I have never used before.
Anyway, I would really love to hear what people here honestly have to say in response to this question.
Christoph, a conformed DE user with no thoughts of ever switching back.