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Do you shave the same way every time?

Start and end in the same place?
Same directional passes in same order...WTG, ATG, etc.?
Face lather, bowl, etc.?
Same prep?
Same cleanup?
Same use of Alum, WH, AS?

Pretty much auto-pilot?
I used to vary things when I got started but now that I found the way that works best for me, I try to do it the same everytime.
For me, it's auto pilot all the way. It's like driving a familiar path. Sometimes I arrive and don't remember driving.


I got moves like Jagger
Pretty much following the same routine. At 5:30am, surprises with straights are not generally a good thing. I do mix in the occasional bowl lathering instead of face lathering though.
Same starting point, same direction EVERY time. I am a creature of habit. I recently re-evaluated my shaving direction and decided I needed to change up how I shave my neck, due to some minor but irritation bumps I get from time to time. I used to shave my neck N to S the entire direction, but the hair on the lower half of my neck actually grows from the adam's apple to my ear, so N/S is really XTG on the first path, so I divided my neck into 4 quadrants, 1 upper, 1 lower quadrant for each side of my neck.

Other than that, if I try to mix it up I get screwed up and get a bad shave.
The basic approach is always the same: shower, scrub face in shower, splash more hot water on face at sink, use hot towels on face twice, then lather, WTG (north to south), XTG (right to left), ATG (varies by quadrant), clean ups where needed (buffing, j-hooks), cold water rinse, after shave, styptic pencil if needed. Slight variation in my shaving strokes, and whatever cleanup I need. Plus variation in soap or creme, razor, blade, and aftershave.
Shave the same for the most part except when I occasionally use a DE then its a little different, meaning 2x ATG. Like others said above its the hardware and software that varies.
Pretty much auto-pilot every shave with the minor exception of usually when I'm shaving in the shower instead of over the bathroom sink, I tend to go a little faster. Otherwise, it's just like everybody else...different soaps or creams and even razor and brush depending on how I feel.
I don't rotate. If I have a soap and a cream I will change it up or use one until empty and move on to the next. The shave is always 1 WTG, 1 XTG and some touchup. Whatever ASB or splash I am using at the time and that's it.
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