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Do you pick out the blade after shaving?

When you use your vintage razors, do you remove the blade/open the razor and wipe it after use?
Or do you just leave it after rinse?
I just leave it...Rinse...loosen the head a bit if there is a load of hair stuck, but just rinse, shake and leave it.
My daily shaver is a TTO. I slightly open the silo doors so that water can get underneath the blade. Then I rinse and hang on my razor/brush stand.


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I usually disassemble my razor, run water and clean it. I then clean the blade and pat it dry. I then reassemble the dry razor with the blade for tomorrow!
I usually disassemble my razor, run water and clean it. I then clean the blade and pat it dry. I then reassemble the dry razor with the blade for tomorrow!

+1 Also I check my razor and make sure everything is tight and good to go before I use it


For the razor, take apart, rinse leave to dry open(tto) or apart(3 pc) on a wash cloth to dry. For the blade, rinse and leave on top of my box of 100 IP's to dry.
I forgot to tell how I do myself. I´m a newbie so I use all my razors even those I collect. Some of them I open/take apart and wipe and some I shake and rinse.
I remove the blade and rinse blad and shaver, wipe razor dry with a towel and pat the blade dry, then hand strop it and reassemble blade and razor. However, I just got a bunch of used wine corks and, once I toss out the corks made of ground cork, I'll be corking instead of hand stropping.
I cork a new blade before the first shave, my belief being that it removes burrs along each edge.
Stropping on the other hand is at 90° to the corking direction and addresses the blunting of the edge from whisker cutting. So I cork for the first use and strop for the others.

- Chris
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