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Do you have a style "idol"

Do you have anyone that you follow to some extent style wise? For me, it's Cary Grant. He had the perfect sense of what to wear and his hair was fantastic! Now, I don't copy him, but I think one should try to be as suave as him.


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I've never been able to find someone who I can pattern a style from.
Mind you, I mostly wear jeans and a tshirt.
I don't really go out much (a wife and 2 little kids keeps me at home) and I'd rather put the funds to something else.

I would be curious to know what other people say.
I think that Winston Churchill and Teddy Roosevelt are the finest examples of rotund (T.R. in his late life) men that I can recall. Being someone that genetics was not going to make 5'11'' and 170 I have learned to come to terms with who I am and to know that clothing makes the "look" of the man.

If you are short and stout classic styling is kind. Get the right cut and look great!
Im really inspired by Robert Downey Jr. If you saw his cover photo on Success Magazine a few months back, it was a wild combo but it worked. His style is a little flamboyant, but he pulls it off. Here and here and here
Downey wearing a suit with matching sneakers? Pretty interesting I must say!

Oh, and Jimi? He was the man!
Don't have an idol per se, but pretty much anyone in the 40's and 50's dressed pretty well and I am trying to push my wardrobe in that direction.
Idol is a stretch for me, I think, no matter what.

I suppose someone has to say it, as he is something of a guiding force for all modern men's dressy-type clothing (by which I mean suits, sports coats, evening wear), but the Duke of Windsor. Although much credit should go to Frederick Scholte, the DoW's life-long tailor. It is a shame there are not more color photos of him. And another factor is that the DoW was not a particularly good looking guy naturally and was only 5' 5." He style managed to generally look very good, without looking like a dandy.

But, as Jackie Gleason once said, "I look good in expensive clothes." I sure could not afford nor want to the to be the clothes horse the DoW was.

Otherwise, probably any run of the mill Princeton student in the later 40s, the 50s, and the early 60s, which is pretty much the same as saying Jack Kennedy, although I realize that real afficionados are able to make distinctions among Harvard, Princeton, Yale, etc. prep-wear across the decades.

Certainly, Cary Grant could wear the heck out of a suit. Sinatra had a nice style later. Early on FS was a bit much with bow and oddly configured ties and wildly striped suits. George Clooney looks fairly nice.
I don't have a style "idol" really, there are images that have always stuck out in my mind about good style. One of them is the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark when Indy is walking down the stairs w/Marion, he's wearing a navy blue suit and his signature fedora - always been one of my favorites. There is also a picture of Sean Connery as James Bond in a white dinner jacket that is also one of my favorites.


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B&B Tease-in-Residence
I would have to say George Clooney or even as of late Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

I am rather rotund, and am trying to get back down in weight to where I can comfortably tuck in my shirts and wear my bowties again. My ultimate plan would be to wear a nice suit type vest with jeans/bowtie/fedora. This is pretty much how i see myself dressing one day.

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Although I know I will always have a spare tire, I can try to get to this type of look eventually. I was discussing with my sister I have been heavy for 34 years, and the odds were against me. She kindly said "why not?" I just need to get my butt into gear and start getting away from the fast food.
I think that the style I admire most lately is Clooney, Levitt, and Gosling. All three tend to make smart choices in the wardrobe.
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